An ice skater spinning on the ice will spin more quickly when pulling their arms inward. This example demonstrates the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum. Since the sun is at the center of the solar system, according to the big bang, it has pulled matter inward and should be spinning very rapidly (like the ice skater in the example). However, although the sun has more than 99% of the mass in our solar system, it has a mere 2% of the universe’s angular momentum. 1 In other words, it is spinning much too slowly to be explained by the big bang! This makes no sense from a big bang perspective—the sun should be spinning much, much faster. However, it makes perfect sense in a biblical creation perspective.
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Sarfati, J. D., & Matthews, M. (1999). Refuting Evolution. Green Forest, AR: Master Books.
- Sarfati, 1999, p. 96 ↩