The current population and growth rate fits very nicely with a biblical timeline. On the other hand, it is a little awkward for evolution to explain.
For instance, if Noah’s Flood was at 2304 BC, 1 this would place the flood at 4103 years before 1800. The estimated world population during 1800 is 987 million. 2 If we solve for the equation \( 8x^{4103}=987,000,000 \) (where \( x \) is the growth rate, and 8 people were on the Ark), we get \( x=1.00455 \), or an average growth rate of 0.46%.
This calculation based on the Bible’s timeline and estimates of the recent human population fits very well with real-world data. Currently, the human growth rate is at 1.2%, but this is due to a declining death rate because of recent medical advances. Earlier than 1800, the growth rate was lower. For instance, the estimated population in 1750 is 791 million. This makes the average growth rate between 1750 and 1800 0.43% (compare to our biblical calculation of about 0.46%). Since the initial growth rate just after the Flood would be much higher (men lived longer according to the Bible), this calculation fits perfectly with the data. Of course, this does not prove the biblical timeline, but it is very consistent.
On the other hand, it is more difficult for evolutionists to explain the current population and growth rate. Many evolutionists are concerned about overpopulation and global crowding; however, if humans have really been around for hundreds of thousands of years (with modern behavior for fifty thousand years), then why is the population still so “low”? 3 4
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