Disturbing as some examples in nature are, we believe that they are evidence confirming the curse that God placed on creation due to man’s sin. 3 God tells us that the curse included thorns which were not there before. 4 While some things, like sharp teeth, may not have changed except in function (some herbivores today have sharp teeth like the panda and the fruit bat), many specific attack (and respective defense 5) structures were probably implemented by God as a curse because of Adam’s sin. 6
The death we experience here on earth is a warning sign to us–a taste of what separation from God is like. When we see the consequences for humanity’s sin in this world, it should make us repent of our own sin and turn to Christ, the only One Who can deliver us from sin’s consequences eternally.
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Coyne, J. A. (2009). Why Evolution Is True. New York: Viking.
Sarfati, J. D., & Matthews, M. (1999). Refuting Evolution. Green Forest, AR: Master Books.
- Coyne, 2009, p. 112: “There are several evolutionary lessons in this twisted tale. The most obvious is that the hornet is marvelously adapted to kill–it looks as though it was designed for mass slaughter. Moreover, many traits work together to make the wasp a killing machine. … And then there is the defense of the native honeybees–the coordinated swarming and subsequent roasting of their enemy–certainly evolved response to repeated attacks by hornets. (Remember, this behavior is genetically encoded in a brain smaller than a pencil point.) … On the other hand, the recently introduced European honeybees are virtually defenseless against the hornet. This is exactly what we would expect, for those bees evolved in an area lacking giant predatory hornets, and therefore natural selection did not build a defense. ↩
- Coyne, 2009: “It is staggering adaptions like this–the many ways that parasites control their carriers, just to pass on the parasites’ genes–that gets an evolutionist’s juices flowing. Natural selection, acting on a simple worm, has caused it to commandeer its host and change the host’s [ant’s] appearance, behavior, and structure, turning it into a tempting mock fruit.” ↩
- Sarfati, 1999: “An important aspect of the creationist model is often overlooked, but it is essential for a proper understanding of the issues. This aspect is the deterioration of a once-perfect creation. Creationists believe this because the Bible states that the world was created perfect (Gen. 1:31), and that death and deterioration came into the world because the first human couple sinned (Gen. 3:19, Rom. 5:12, 9:20-22, I Cor. 15:21-22, 26).” ↩
- Genesis 3:18-19: “Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” ↩
- Coyne, 2009, p. 114: “The list of adaptions like this is endless. There are adaptions in which animals look like plants, camouflaging themselves among the vegetation to hide from enemies. Some katydids, for example, look almost exactly like leaves, complete with leaflike patterns and even “rotten spots” resembling the holes in leaves. The mimicry is so precise that you’d have trouble spotting the insect in a small cage full of vegetation, much less in the wild.” ↩
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