Adaption Lamarck Macroevolution is just a lot of microevolution Mutations and Natural Selection Natural Selection Lame Metaphysical Special Tautology Punctuated equilibrium Saltation hypothesis Today Blind cave fish Cane Toads Darwin’s Finches Dog breeds E. coli Fruit flies Germs Italian Wall Lizards Lactose Tolerance Mussel Shell Peppered Moth Three-Toed Skink Ancestry “Tree of life” Deep Divergence Embryos Human gill slits Similarities Biogeography Continental islands represent continents How did kangaroos get to Australia? Introduced species Oceanic islands are unbalanced Similar habitats, different organisms Design Darwin’s Riddle Imperfection Flatfish Leftover Human appendix Junk DNA Laryngeal nerve Penguin flippers Smell Vitamin C Whale legs Violence