Acts 16:31
I Corinthians 7:14, 16
Each person must accept Christ personally to be saved. No one will be saved simply because his parents are saved.
Acts 16:31 is a special case: God knew that if the jailer accepted Christ, his family would, too; but sadly, not all families are this receptive to the gospel. Sometimes only one or two people in a family accept Christ, while the rest reject Him even though the saved family members try to witness. Thankfully in the jailer’s case, God knew that if he accepted Christ, his family would want to do the same.
I Corinthians 7:14 does not say the unbelieving husband will be “saved,” it says he will be “sanctified.” God can bless the unbelieving husband for the wife’s sake, just as He blessed Laban for Jacob’s sake (Genesis 30:27). This does not reference salvation, however.
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