God told Abraham to offer Isaac as a human sacrifice. Other verses supporting human sacrifice are: Exodus 22:9, Leviticus 27:28-29, Judges 11:29-40, II Samuel 21:1-14, I Kings 13:2, II Kings 23:20, and II Chronicles 34:1-5.
Other verses condemn human sacrifice: Leviticus 18:21, Leviticus 20:2, Deuteronomy 18:10, and II Kings 21:6.
First, the Bible condemns human sacrifices to false gods: Leviticus 18:21 and Leviticus 20:2 mention the false god of Molech, and Deuteronomy 18:10 and II Kings 2:16 are implying Molech as well by the phrase “pass through the fire” (see Leviticus 18:21). Second, many of the verses cited do not support human sacrifice—they support capital punishment. For instance, in II Samuel 21:1-14, I Kings 13:2, II Kings 23:20, and II Chronicles 34:1-5, people are being killed because of sin. This is capital punishment, not sacrifice of arbitrary humans.
Third, some of the verses cited simply say that the firstborn is “given” to the LORD (Exodus 22:29, Leviticus 27:28-29): but this most certainly does not imply killing them. For example, Samuel was given to the LORD (I Samuel 1:11), but he was obviously not killed as a sacrifice. Fourth, the example of Jephthah offering his daughter is never condoned in the Bible—the Bible simply records what Jephthah did. Just because people do wrong things and the Bible records them does not imply that God approves of these deeds.
Finally, the example of Isaac is an exception, and God did not actually require Abraham to kill Isaac—it was a test. So in summary, no, God does not take pleasure in human sacrifice: He takes pleasure from an obedient heart.
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