"Soft tissue in fossils supports a young earth (#C718)
Scientists found soft tissue in dinosaur fossils supposedly 68 million years old. 1 This does not make sense if the fossil is really 68 million years old. However, it makes much more sense if the dinosaur died a few thousand years ago.
Additionally, some unfossilized dinosaur bone contains red blood cells and hemoglobin. 2 These should only be able to last a few thousand years, though the dinosaurs should be around 65 million years old according to evolutionists.
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Sarfati, J. D., & Matthews, M. (1999). Refuting Evolution. Green Forest, AR: Master Books.
- http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/am/v7/n4/soft-tissue-in-fossils ↩
- Sarfati, 1999, p. 112: “Red blood cells and hemoglobin have been found in some (unfossilized!) dinosaur bone. But these could not last more than a few thousand years — certainly not the 65 million years from when evolutionists think the last dinosaur lived.” ↩